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Μην το μετακινείτε γιατί δεν φαίνεται η πρώτη είδηση!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Cleante Weasley
Druella Black
Alviva Black
Narcissa Black
Μia Melanie Hawkins
Immortality Dumbledore
Amelia Blackfoot
Minerva McGonagall
Laura Mandley
Roxy Black
Maria Lovegood
Cassandra Black
Arcturus Regulus Black
Alicia Spinnet
Ηarry Potter
Roxanne Derwent
Harry James Potter
Rose M. Weasley
Laverne de Montmorency
miss potter-maniac
Rose Weasley ϟ
Leanan Sidhe
Jace Wayland
Fleur Delacour
Helena Ravenclaw
Victoire Weasley
37 απαντήσεις

    What is your true spirit animal?


    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 929
    Ηλικία : 27
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 26/11/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought:

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από mjhp4ever Τετ Μάης 30, 2012 3:48 pm

    Panda bear

    Lazy and fluffy. The Panda is nature's teddy bear, while friendly and cute. The panda is extremly territorial, it won't allow any other panda's on its turf. This could mean that you are competetive but in a playful way. Weather you like to eat or not, your just full of love and fluffyness. As relationships go, you like to just have that "one night of passion" and be done with it. You don't stay in one place thats for sure, this doesnt mean you can sit still its the exact opposite. It means if your couch potato, you like to switch it up everynow and then. So instead of laying down watching t.v on the sofa today, you'll maybe want to sit on your dad's comfy reclining chair and be your natural lazy self!

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 8z0QNaV

    My eyes can see the death of everything. I can cut the lines as long as I understand the death behind it. This means I can kill anything, even if that thing is God.
     - Shiki Ryougi

    Πρωτοετής στην Σχολή
    Πρωτοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 6
    Ηλικία : 30
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 30/05/2012

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από lilith.stekola Τετ Μάης 30, 2012 6:28 pm


    The dragon is a very wise and noble creature. It's bascially the imbodiment of everything known to man, in otherwords, its the universe. The name dragon means "To see clearly". This can have many meanings, it can mean that you have good eyesight. Or it can have deeper spiritual meaning, like being able to see the future (or clairvoyance). Having the Dragon as your spirit animal means that you are very wise and smart, people often confide in you for most things and like to depend on you more because of your majestic aura. Weather this is true to you or not, having the dragon doesnt mean that your a fierce fire breathing monster, no. The dragon can be very calm and gentle, which is where its intellingence is reffered to.
    Narcissa Black
    Narcissa Black
    Μαγικός Προσωπογράφος
    Μαγικός Προσωπογράφος

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 807
    Location : In the desert outside of nowhere
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 12/04/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought:

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από Narcissa Black Τετ Μάης 30, 2012 6:59 pm

    Your a wolf. Family oriented, and a natural born leader, you take life with the good and the bad. If someone close to you betrays you, you won't hesitate to shun them. Although your cautious, you have a playful side with those you love and are close to. You'll go nine yards for your friends or family and will protect them with your life. But your also very quick witted and logical, you know better then to fall for someones traps. Commen sense is your strongest weapon!

    My dear...
    You really can't send me to Hell. I came from there.
    Alviva Black
    Alviva Black

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 20832
    Ηλικία : 23
    Location : Derry,Northern Ireland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 30/10/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Credo in un Dio crudel.

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από Alviva Black Τρι Ιουν 05, 2012 6:27 pm


    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 1306630980_2636_full

    The Phoenix is a majestic and magical creature. There are many stories and versions of it from around the world. It is closely related and compared to the sun itself, passionate and strong willed. While also graceful you can be stubborn and easily angered if aggitated to much. You have big dreams to match your burning passion and because of your strong determination you work extra hard to reach your dreams. And once they are reached you start dreaming up more dreams so that you have something else to be passionate about. You love your family and you are very loyal to them, Honar is a big deal for you.

    Φοξ music

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Tumblr_nhcydymyca1rhrm95o1_500

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 1290vg5h

    Druella Black
    Druella Black

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 6304
    Ηλικία : 26
    Location : Mystic Falls
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 08/01/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: "Are we really going to do this again? We both know I could rip you to shreds and do my nails at the same time."

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από Druella Black Τρι Ιουν 05, 2012 6:30 pm

    Your a wolf. Family oriented, and a natural born leader, you take life with the good and the bad. If someone close to you betrays you, you won't hesitate to shun them. Although your cautious, you have a playful side with those you love and are close to. You'll go nine yards for your friends or family and will protect them with your life. But your also very quick witted and logical, you know better then to fall for someones traps. Commen sense is your strongest weapon.

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Tumblr_meoln3Ct3W1rjtzkso1_500
    Humanity is a vampire's greatest weakness.
    No matter how easy it is to turn it off, it keeps trying to fight it's way back in.
    Sometimes I let it.

    Λύτης Κατάρων
    Λύτης Κατάρων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 909
    Ηλικία : 28
    Location : Hogwarts
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 10/06/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Impossible is Nothing

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από HermyGranger Δευ Ιουν 11, 2012 6:01 pm

    Sea turtle!
    Being a sea turtle doesn't mean your slow. It just means that you take life at your own pace and that your pretty laid back and relaxed. The sea turtle has a very long lifespan and with a long life comes a better love for the smaller things around you. Meditation or just taking a walk through your park gives you a slight pleasure.

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 9n9

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 CHAMPION
    Member of Order of Merlin 3rd
    Member of Order of Merlin 3rd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 11334
    Ηλικία : 32
    Location : Outer Space
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 01/09/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought:

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από Hecate Δευ Ιουν 11, 2012 7:25 pm


    The dragon is a very wise and noble creature. It's bascially the imbodiment of everything known to man, in otherwords, its the universe. The name dragon means "To see clearly". This can have many meanings, it can mean that you have good eyesight. Or it can have deeper spiritual meaning, like being able to see the future (or clairvoyance). Having the Dragon as your spirit animal means that you are very wise and smart, people often confide in you for most things and like to depend on you more because of your majestic aura. Weather this is true to you or not, having the dragon doesnt mean that your a fierce fire breathing monster, no. The dragon can be very calm and gentle, which is where its intellingence is reffered to.

    Θέλεις μπουντρούμια; Πάμε.
    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Ws1999D
    Cleante Weasley
    Cleante Weasley
    Τεταρτοετής στην Σχολή
    Τεταρτοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 156
    Ηλικία : 26
    Location : Mystic Falls
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 30/05/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: ''I've been in love...It's painful, pointless and overrated..'' Damon Salvatoreツ

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από Cleante Weasley Πεμ Νοε 15, 2012 3:39 pm


    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 1306630980_2636_full

    The Phoenix is a majestic and magical creature. There are many stories and versions of it from around the world. It is closely related and compared to the sun itself, passionate and strong willed. While also graceful you can be stubborn and easily angered if aggitated to much. You have big dreams to match your burning passion and because of your strong determination you work extra hard to reach your dreams. And once they are reached you start dreaming up more dreams so that you have something else to be passionate about. You love your family and you are very loyal to them, Honar is a big deal for you. yummy

    So when you're lost and you're tired...
    When you're broken in two...
    Let my love take you higher...
    'Cause I still turn to you...
    Aurora Sinistra
    Aurora Sinistra
    Μαγικός Ζωολόγος
    Μαγικός Ζωολόγος

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 8719
    Ηλικία : 224
    Location : neverland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/02/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από Aurora Sinistra Πεμ Νοε 15, 2012 3:45 pm

    Your a wolf. Family oriented, and a natural born leader, you take life with the good and the bad. If someone close to you betrays you, you won't hesitate to shun them. Although your cautious, you have a playful side with those you love and are close to. You'll go nine yards for your friends or family and will protect them with your life. But your also very quick witted and logical, you know better then to fall for someones traps. Commen sense is your strongest weapon!

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Untitl10
    Roland Weasley
    Roland Weasley

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4343
    Ηλικία : 22
    Location : Τρίκαλα,Ελλάδα
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 07/08/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Fuck it all.

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από Roland Weasley Δευ Αυγ 25, 2014 7:09 pm


    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Jtaxhl

    Your a wolf. Family oriented, and a natural born leader, you take life with the good and the bad. If someone close to you betrays you, you won't hesitate to shun them. Although your cautious, you have a playful side with those you love and are close to. You'll go nine yards for your friends or family and will protect them with your life. But your also very quick witted and logical, you know better then to fall for someones traps. Commen sense is your strongest weapon!

    Just because everybody hates it doesn't mean it's no good.
    -Despicable Me 2

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 2eehhdzWhat is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Ok7edxWhat is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Zjjlte
    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 2ir17rkWhat is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 N6cbqgWhat is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 2e3wcuo

    Yes, you are cute
    but a minion will always be cuter

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 2q99kli
    Emily Lupin
    Emily Lupin
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 14334
    Ηλικία : 23
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 19/01/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: how much better is your love than wine

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από Emily Lupin Δευ Αυγ 25, 2014 9:56 pm

    phoenix κι εγω..

    "I am haunted by humans."
    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Bee10
    Sauron the Great
    Sauron the Great
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4137
    Ηλικία : 926
    Location : Είμαι παντού και πουθενά! Ναι, είμαι το Μαύρο Φάντασμα!
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 11/08/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: never try to teach a pig to sing it wastes your time and it annoys the pig...

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 Empty Απ: What is your true spirit animal?

    Δημοσίευση από Sauron the Great Δευ Αυγ 25, 2014 10:37 pm


    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 S6on5y

    The dragon is a very wise and noble creature. It's bascially the imbodiment of everything known to man, in otherwords, its the universe. The name dragon means "To see clearly". This can have many meanings, it can mean that you have good eyesight. Or it can have deeper spiritual meaning, like being able to see the future (or clairvoyance). Having the Dragon as your spirit animal means that you are very wise and smart, people often confide in you for most things and like to depend on you more because of your majestic aura. Weather this is true to you or not, having the dragon doesnt mean that your a fierce fire breathing monster, no. The dragon can be very calm and gentle, which is where its intellingence is reffered to.

    What is your true spirit animal?  - Σελίδα 2 90096-jugra

      Η τρέχουσα ημερομηνία/ώρα είναι Κυρ Σεπ 29, 2024 2:32 am