
Εδώ ο Ήλιος της Φαντασίας δεν δύει ποτέ...

Μην το μετακινείτε γιατί δεν φαίνεται η πρώτη είδηση!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ενδιαφέρεστε να γίνετε δημοσιογράφοι?
Αν υπάρχουν θέματα και απουσιάζουμε, στείλτε μήνυμα στο Φατσοβιβλίο

Hermione GrangerWeasley
Alviva Black
Mysterious Wizard
aimilia potter
John Dawlish
Leanan Sidhe
Roxanne Derwent
Arcturus Regulus Black
Romilda Vane
Aurora Sinistra
Cassandra Black
Immortality Dumbledore
Morgan le Fay
Eleanna Lovegood
21 απαντήσεις

    What Sea Animal Are You?

    Eleanna Lovegood
    Eleanna Lovegood
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 25823
    Ηλικία : 25
    Location : London's Shadowhunter Institute
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 15/06/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Eleanna Lovegood Τετ Σεπ 26, 2012 4:54 pm

    Βουαλά! :P

    Τα δικά μου:
    You Are a Seahorse

    You are a powerful and graceful creature. You always keep your wits about you.
    Most people consider you to be lucky. You have been especially fortunate when it comes to romance.

    You are friendly and generous. You enjoy spreading the wealth around, especially to those down on their luck.
    You are calm and persistent. If you're faced with a problem, you know the most important thing is to not give up.

    What Sea Animal Are You? 10dwccy
    What Sea Animal Are You? Wguogg
    Morgan le Fay
    Morgan le Fay

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33267
    Ηλικία : 31
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/06/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Many times since, I have called to Marius. But there was no answer. Just the endless procession of days, months...years. My teacher left me to my darkest lesson. That in the end, we are alone. And there is nothing but the cold, dark wasteland of eternity.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Morgan le Fay Τετ Σεπ 26, 2012 5:27 pm

    I'm a freakin seahorse :P

    Oh, the skies, tumbling from your eyes
    So sublime, a chase to end all time
    Seasons call and fall, from grace and uniform
    Anatomical, metaphysical

    Oh, the dye, a blood red setting sun
    Rushing through my veins, burning up my skin
    I will survive, live and thrive
    Win this deadly game

    Love crime
    I will survive, live and thrive
    I will survive
    I will...

    Immortality Dumbledore
    Immortality Dumbledore
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 22636
    Ηλικία : 30
    Location : Hogwarts (Dumbledore's office)
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 09/01/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Oh, I'm very good. But sometimes I'm bad. But only as bad as I wanna be. Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is a gift.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Immortality Dumbledore Τετ Σεπ 26, 2012 8:34 pm

    You Are an Octopus cthulhu

    You are productive, efficient, and a natural multitasker. You know how to get things done!
    You have amazing focus and you're very strong willed. You are good at zeroing in on what's important.
    You are very intelligent and sharp. Complex things seem simple to you.
    You have a good memory and are very creative. You can come up with unique solutions to problems.


    What Sea Animal Are You? Zvbsm1


    What Sea Animal Are You? 9bitj5
    Cassandra Black
    Cassandra Black
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33695
    Ηλικία : 36
    Location : Cairhien
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 08/04/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: I'd name you Darkfriend as well, but I suspect that the Dark One would perhaps be embarrassed to associate with you.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Cassandra Black Πεμ Σεπ 27, 2012 12:59 pm

    You Are a Jellyfish

    You are a vulnerable person, but you also have a lot of inner strength. Sometimes you even surprise yourself.
    You are very honest and open. You have nothing to hide and resent it when people don't tell you the truth.

    You are illuminating and insightful. You understand and explain the world well.
    You are energizing and enthusiastic. You get people up and moving.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Y2uq2a4e

    We seed the stars:
    Aurora Sinistra
    Aurora Sinistra
    Μαγικός Ζωολόγος
    Μαγικός Ζωολόγος

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 8719
    Ηλικία : 224
    Location : neverland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/02/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Aurora Sinistra Πεμ Σεπ 27, 2012 2:03 pm

    You Are a Crab
    You can be an emotional and sensitive creature. Things get to you.
    You are a bit withdrawn and shy, but you're also willing to come out of your shell sometimes.

    You are quite flexible and easy going if your trust is earned. You like to observe quietly.
    You move with the rhythm of life. You try not to fight anything.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Untitl10
    Romilda Vane
    Romilda Vane

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 12879
    Ηλικία : 29
    Location : Neverland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 17/08/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Μάγεψαν και σένανε τα ξωτικά;

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Romilda Vane Πεμ Σεπ 27, 2012 3:35 pm

    You Are an Octopus
    Post it now!

    You are productive, efficient, and a natural multitasker. You know how to get things done!
    You have amazing focus and you're very strong willed. You are good at zeroing in on what's important.

    You are very intelligent and sharp. Complex things seem simple to you.
    You have a good memory and are very creative. You can come up with unique solutions to problems.

    moulti-τετοιο να πουμε. Cool

    What Sea Animal Are You? 2yv6ngk
    Reveal your secrets:
    Arcturus Regulus Black
    Arcturus Regulus Black
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 24400
    Ηλικία : 31
    Location : Somewhere between dreams and reality
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/11/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Χρώμα δεν αλλάζουνε τα μάτια μόνο τρόπο να κοιτάνε...

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Arcturus Regulus Black Δευ Οκτ 08, 2012 4:47 pm

    You Are a Crab

    You can be an emotional and sensitive creature. Things get to you.
    You are a bit withdrawn and shy, but you're also willing to come out of your shell sometimes.

    You are quite flexible and easy going if your trust is earned. You like to observe quietly.
    You move with the rhythm of life. You try not to fight anything.


    What Sea Animal Are You? Image
    Roxanne Derwent
    Roxanne Derwent
    Παρασκευαστής/-στρια φίλτρων
    Παρασκευαστής/-στρια φίλτρων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 15667
    Ηλικία : 26
    Location : Shell Cottage
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 07/12/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Roxanne Derwent Δευ Οκτ 08, 2012 10:12 pm

    You Are a Crab

    You can be an emotional and sensitive creature. Things get to you.
    You are a bit withdrawn and shy, but you're also willing to come out of your shell sometimes.

    You are quite flexible and easy going if your trust is earned. You like to observe quietly.
    You move with the rhythm of life. You try not to fight anything.


    What Sea Animal Are You? 847683c79afbfbb99f62ba329a3c8da5a9b9180f

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 2854
    Ηλικία : 30
    Location : Hogwarts
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 18/11/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: i solemnly swear that you're a huge fucking nerd.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Lena* Δευ Οκτ 08, 2012 10:28 pm

    You Are an Octopus
    What Sea Animal Are You? Octopus
    You are productive, efficient, and a natural multitasker. You know how to get things done!
    You have amazing focus and you're very strong willed. You are good at zeroing in on what's important.

    You are very intelligent and sharp. Complex things seem simple to you.
    You have a good memory and are very creative. You can come up with unique solutions to problems.

    Octopus yuuuk sick

    What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_p1hxaz4Cz41skp2zjo4_400What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_p1hxaz4Cz41skp2zjo2_400
    What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_p1hxaz4Cz41skp2zjo3_400What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_p1hxaz4Cz41skp2zjo1_400
    Leanan Sidhe
    Leanan Sidhe
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 5892
    Ηλικία : 28
    Location : Manderley
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 03/04/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Bite the bullet.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Leanan Sidhe Τρι Οκτ 23, 2012 4:11 pm

    You Are a Seahorse
    You are a powerful and graceful creature. You always keep your wits about you.
    Most people consider you to be lucky. You have been especially fortunate when it comes to romance.

    You are friendly and generous. You enjoy spreading the wealth around, especially to those down on their luck.
    You are calm and persistent. If you're faced with a problem, you know the most important thing is to not give up.

    you love me:

    Personas que rompen promesas,
    rompen personas.

    John Dawlish
    John Dawlish
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33286
    Ηλικία : 31
    Location : λαλαλα
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 25/07/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από John Dawlish Κυρ Δεκ 30, 2012 6:11 pm

    You Are a Seahorse
    You are a powerful and graceful creature. You always keep your wits about you.
    Most people consider you to be lucky. You have been especially fortunate when it comes to romance.

    You are friendly and generous. You enjoy spreading the wealth around, especially to those down on their luck.
    You are calm and persistent. If you're faced with a problem, you know the most important thing is to not give up

    What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_oa2tauHf821s95j2so3_500
    What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_mh3ox4hQzC1qe1i57o1_250


    Keep calm and be a hufflepuff:
    What Sea Animal Are You? 1er05
    aimilia potter
    aimilia potter
    Εκτοετής στην Σχολή
    Εκτοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 346
    Ηλικία : 25
    Location : Hogshmed
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/06/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Μη πουλάς τρέλα. Μοίρασέ την.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από aimilia potter Κυρ Δεκ 30, 2012 8:54 pm

    You Are an Octopus

    You are productive, efficient, and a natural multitasker. You know how to get things done!
    You have amazing focus and you're very strong willed. You are good at zeroing in on what's important.

    You are very intelligent and sharp. Complex things seem simple to you.
    You have a good memory and are very creative. You can come up with unique solutions to problems.

    Η ζωή είναι σαν το χορό,αν κάνεις ένα λάθος βήμα απλά συνεχίζεις...
    Mysterious Wizard
    Mysterious Wizard

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 8962
    Ηλικία : 28
    Location : Gatlin
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 23/02/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: “The best fantasy is written in the language of dreams. It is alive as dreams are alive, more real than real ... for a moment at least ... that long magic moment before we wake. [...] They can keep their heaven. When I die, I'd sooner go to middle Earth.”

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Mysterious Wizard Δευ Δεκ 31, 2012 4:21 pm

    You Are a Seahorse

    You are a powerful and graceful creature. You always keep your wits about you.
    Most people consider you to be lucky. You have been especially fortunate when it comes to romance.

    You are friendly and generous. You enjoy spreading the wealth around, especially to those down on their luck.
    You are calm and persistent. If you're faced with a problem, you know the most important thing is to not give up.


    What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_nqa3x5MUWZ1r0ppt5o1_250   What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_nqa3x5MUWZ1r0ppt5o2_250

    What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_nqa3x5MUWZ1r0ppt5o3_250   What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_nqa3x5MUWZ1r0ppt5o4_250

    Alviva Black
    Alviva Black

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 20832
    Ηλικία : 23
    Location : Derry,Northern Ireland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 30/10/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Credo in un Dio crudel.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Alviva Black Τετ Ιαν 02, 2013 12:43 am

    You Are a Seahorse

    You are a powerful and graceful creature. You always keep your wits about you.
    Most people consider you to be lucky. You have been especially fortunate when it comes to romance.

    You are friendly and generous. You enjoy spreading the wealth around, especially to those down on their luck.
    You are calm and persistent. If you're faced with a problem, you know the most important thing is to not give up.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Tumblr_nhcydymyca1rhrm95o1_500

    What Sea Animal Are You? 1290vg5h

    Hermione GrangerWeasley
    Hermione GrangerWeasley
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 1048
    Ηλικία : 29
    Location : Godric's Hollow
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 04/01/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought:

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Hermione GrangerWeasley Παρ Μαρ 29, 2013 3:18 pm

    You Are a Seahorse

    ou are a powerful and graceful creature. You always keep your wits about you.
    Most people consider you to be lucky. You have been especially fortunate when it comes to romance.

    You are friendly and generous. You enjoy spreading the wealth around, especially to those down on their luck.
    You are calm and persistent. If you're faced with a problem, you know the most important thing is to not give up.

    What Sea Animal Are You? 46726460
    Ron and Hermione
    What Sea Animal Are You? 83691370
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 2704
    Ηλικία : 27
    Location : Time and Space
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 06/09/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Το μεγαλύτερο όπλο είναι η γνώση.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από -Moony Πεμ Μάης 09, 2013 4:43 pm

    You Are a Seahorse
    You are a powerful and graceful creature. You always keep your wits about you.
    Most people consider you to be lucky. You have been especially fortunate when it comes to romance.

    You are friendly and generous. You enjoy spreading the wealth around, especially to those down on their luck.
    You are calm and persistent. If you're faced with a problem, you know the most important thing is to not give up.

    Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away,
    where innocence is burned... in flames.
    A million mile from home, I'm walking ahead.
    I'm frozen to the bones, I am.

    A soldier on my own, I don't know the way.
    I'm riding up the heights... of shame.
    I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest.
    I'm ready for the fight... and fate.

    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 450
    Ηλικία : 35
    Location : στο άπειρο και ακόμα πάρα πέρα
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 28/10/2013

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από greekwizards Δευ Νοε 25, 2013 6:21 pm

    You Are an Octopus

    You are productive, efficient, and a natural multitasker. You know how to get things done!
    You have amazing focus and you're very strong willed. You are good at zeroing in on what's important.
    You are very intelligent and sharp. Complex things seem simple to you.
    You have a good memory and are very creative. You can come up with unique solutions to problems.

    griffindor griffindor griffindor grifn2 grifn2 grifn2 
    Roland Weasley
    Roland Weasley

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4343
    Ηλικία : 22
    Location : Τρίκαλα,Ελλάδα
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 07/08/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Fuck it all.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Roland Weasley Τετ Αυγ 27, 2014 9:22 pm

    You Are an Octopus

    You are productive, efficient, and a natural multitasker. You know how to get things done!
    You have amazing focus and you're very strong willed. You are good at zeroing in on what's important.
    You are very intelligent and sharp. Complex things seem simple to you.
    You have a good memory and are very creative. You can come up with unique solutions to problems.

    Just because everybody hates it doesn't mean it's no good.
    -Despicable Me 2

    What Sea Animal Are You? 2eehhdzWhat Sea Animal Are You? Ok7edxWhat Sea Animal Are You? Zjjlte
    What Sea Animal Are You? 2ir17rkWhat Sea Animal Are You? N6cbqgWhat Sea Animal Are You? 2e3wcuo

    Yes, you are cute
    but a minion will always be cuter

    What Sea Animal Are You? 2q99kli
    Emily Lupin
    Emily Lupin
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 14334
    Ηλικία : 23
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 19/01/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: how much better is your love than wine

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Emily Lupin Πεμ Αυγ 28, 2014 4:34 pm

    You Are a Jellyfish
    What Sea Animal Are You? Jellyfish

    You are a vulnerable person, but you also have a lot of inner strength. Sometimes you even surprise yourself.
    You are very honest and open. You have nothing to hide and resent it when people don't tell you the truth.

    You are illuminating and insightful. You understand and explain the world well.
    You are energizing and enthusiastic. You get people up and moving.

    "I am haunted by humans."
    What Sea Animal Are You? Bee10
    Τεταρτοετής στην Σχολή
    Τεταρτοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 146
    Ηλικία : 25
    Location : Μυθικό Μέρος
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 21/03/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Love the life you live.Live the life you love.

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Lily99 Κυρ Ιουν 28, 2015 2:04 pm

    You Are an Octopus :summer2: summer1

    You are productive, efficient, and a natural multitasker. You know how to get things done!
    You have amazing focus and you're very strong willed. You are good at zeroing in on what's important.

    You are very intelligent and sharp. Complex things seem simple to you.
    You have a good memory and are very creative. You can come up with unique solutions to problems.

    Ravenclaw magician1 wingardium_leviosa_1 ravenn2 patronus Ravenclaw Ravenclaw
    Helena Malfoy
    Helena Malfoy
    Κατασκευαστής/στρια ραβδιών
    Κατασκευαστής/στρια ραβδιών

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4395
    Ηλικία : 24
    Location : Abroad The Black Pearl
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 06/10/2013

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: “Heaven may be a fantasy for the credulous and the afraid, but I can give you a map reference for hell.”

    What Sea Animal Are You? Empty Απ: What Sea Animal Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Helena Malfoy Κυρ Ιουν 28, 2015 2:18 pm

    You Are an Octopus
    You are productive, efficient, and a natural multitasker. You know how to get things done!
    You have amazing focus and you're very strong willed. You are good at zeroing in on what's important.

    You are very intelligent and sharp. Complex things seem simple to you.
    You have a good memory and are very creative. You can come up with unique solutions to problems.

    “Mrs. Hudson took my skull.”
    What Sea Animal Are You? 5fd88c10

      Η τρέχουσα ημερομηνία/ώρα είναι Κυρ Σεπ 29, 2024 2:19 am