
Εδώ ο Ήλιος της Φαντασίας δεν δύει ποτέ...

Μην το μετακινείτε γιατί δεν φαίνεται η πρώτη είδηση!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ενδιαφέρεστε να γίνετε δημοσιογράφοι?
Αν υπάρχουν θέματα και απουσιάζουμε, στείλτε μήνυμα στο Φατσοβιβλίο

Severous Albous
Beatrice Baudelaire
Romilda Vane
Morgan le Fay
Laura Mandley
Aurora Sinistra
Μia Melanie Hawkins
Madame Maxime
Leanan Sidhe
Roxanne Derwent
Alicia Spinnet
Immortality Dumbledore
Arcturus Regulus Black
Orion Black
Cassandra Black
Phineas Nigellus Black
Eleanna Lovegood
26 απαντήσεις

    What color are you?

    Member of Order of Merlin 3rd
    Member of Order of Merlin 3rd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 11334
    Ηλικία : 32
    Location : Outer Space
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 01/09/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought:

    What color are you? Empty What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Hecate Τρι Φεβ 21, 2012 10:21 pm



    you are darkolivegreen

    Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life is slightly darker than most people's. You try to see things for what they are and face situations honestly. You'd rather get to the point than look for what's good.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    Θέλεις μπουντρούμια; Πάμε.
    What color are you? Ws1999D
    Λύτης Κατάρων
    Λύτης Κατάρων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 13381
    Ηλικία : 31
    Location : Αυλή των θαυμάτων
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 23/11/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Α beautiful, healthy baby!

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από elliza Τρι Φεβ 21, 2012 10:36 pm

    you are deeppink

    Your dominant hues are red and magenta. You love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can't leave behind. You can influence others on days when you're patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing.

    Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative.

    Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    Αστοδιάλο. ti?

    head of derp:
    Eleanna Lovegood
    Eleanna Lovegood
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 25823
    Ηλικία : 25
    Location : London's Shadowhunter Institute
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 15/06/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Eleanna Lovegood Τρι Φεβ 21, 2012 10:39 pm

    you are lightcyan

    Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well.

    Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working.

    Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.

    What color are you? 10dwccy
    What color are you? Wguogg
    Phineas Nigellus Black
    Phineas Nigellus Black
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 63952
    Ηλικία : 29
    Location : Looking-Glass Land
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 14/07/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: I am not good, I am not nice, I am just right.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Phineas Nigellus Black Τρι Φεβ 21, 2012 10:46 pm

    you are darkslateblue

    Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    mouble mouble

    meet me in montauk

    Cassandra Black
    Cassandra Black
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33695
    Ηλικία : 36
    Location : Cairhien
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 08/04/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: I'd name you Darkfriend as well, but I suspect that the Dark One would perhaps be embarrassed to associate with you.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Cassandra Black Τρι Φεβ 21, 2012 11:49 pm

    you are darkslateblue

    Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    What color are you? Y2uq2a4e

    We seed the stars:
    Orion Black
    Orion Black
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 1890
    Ηλικία : 35
    Location : Teppelin
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 13/02/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: This game....Will not have a happy ending....

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Orion Black Τετ Φεβ 22, 2012 12:16 am

    you are hotpink

    Your dominant hues are red and magenta. You love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can't leave behind. You can influence others on days when you're patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    What color are you? Wotsig

    Where my loyalties lie:
    Arcturus Regulus Black
    Arcturus Regulus Black
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 24400
    Ηλικία : 31
    Location : Somewhere between dreams and reality
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/11/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Χρώμα δεν αλλάζουνε τα μάτια μόνο τρόπο να κοιτάνε...

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Arcturus Regulus Black Τετ Φεβ 22, 2012 12:51 pm

    you are seagreen

    Your dominant hues are cyan and green. Although you definately strive to be logical you care about people and know there's a time and place for thinking emotionally. Your head rules most things but your heart rules others, and getting them to meet in the middle takes a lot of your energy some days.

    Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz


    What color are you? Image
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33327
    Ηλικία : 31
    Location : Greece
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 03/06/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: I'm the one I should love

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Imperio Τετ Φεβ 22, 2012 1:11 pm

    you are purple

    Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

    Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    What color are you? 4thvideo5

    Sometimes I'm afraid of myself, thanks to my self-hatred
    And the depression that came to play again
    Min Yoongi is already dead (I killed him)
    It's been a long time since my everyday life became killing my passions and comparing myself with others

    Immortality Dumbledore
    Immortality Dumbledore
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 22636
    Ηλικία : 30
    Location : Hogwarts (Dumbledore's office)
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 09/01/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Oh, I'm very good. But sometimes I'm bad. But only as bad as I wanna be. Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is a gift.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Immortality Dumbledore Τετ Φεβ 22, 2012 2:38 pm

    you are goldenrod

    Your dominant hues are red and yellow... most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you've been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they're starting to feel like they've got you down.

    Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative.

    Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.


    What color are you? Zvbsm1


    What color are you? 9bitj5
    Alicia Spinnet
    Alicia Spinnet
    Οδηγός στο Λεωφορείο των Ιπποτών
    Οδηγός στο Λεωφορείο των Ιπποτών

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 17870
    Location : no money no family 18 in the middle of miami
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 28/01/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: It's not very punk rock of you to meet society's expectations

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Alicia Spinnet Τετ Φεβ 22, 2012 2:58 pm

    you are mediumslateblue

    Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    Roxanne Derwent
    Roxanne Derwent
    Παρασκευαστής/-στρια φίλτρων
    Παρασκευαστής/-στρια φίλτρων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 15667
    Ηλικία : 26
    Location : Shell Cottage
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 07/12/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Roxanne Derwent Κυρ Φεβ 26, 2012 12:45 pm

    you are violet

    Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

    Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

    Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    You don't stress out over things rofl
    Που θα με πεις εμένα Βάιολετ snob


    What color are you? 847683c79afbfbb99f62ba329a3c8da5a9b9180f
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 1082
    Ηλικία : 26
    Location : Palm Woods,Los Angeles
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/09/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Guitar*-*

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από EleniArmstrong-Potter Κυρ Φεβ 26, 2012 1:44 pm

    you are mistyrose

    Your dominant hue is red... you are passionate, energetic, and unafraid of life's changes. You're all about getting out and trying something new, even if it means taking risks that other people would be afraid of. Hey, if they're afraid and you're not, more power to you, right?

    Your saturation level is very low - you have better things to do than jump headfirst into every little project. You make sure your actions are going to really accomplish something before you start because you hate wasting energy making everyone else think you're working.

    Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    What color are you? Tumblr_mfsy8g6ba91rb27vgo1_400

    My guitar is not a thing.It is an extension of myself.It is who I am.

    Leanan Sidhe
    Leanan Sidhe
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 5892
    Ηλικία : 28
    Location : Manderley
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 03/04/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Bite the bullet.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Leanan Sidhe Δευ Φεβ 27, 2012 1:17 am

    you are darkmagenta

    Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

    Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    Πω, πω ti?
    Είναι όλα σωστά!

    you love me:

    Personas que rompen promesas,
    rompen personas.

    Madame Maxime
    Madame Maxime

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 55431
    Ηλικία : 30
    Location : Deep in my soul..
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 30/05/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Somebody mixed my medicine. :S

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Madame Maxime Δευ Φεβ 27, 2012 12:11 pm

    you are darkgreen

    Your dominant hue is green. You're logical and steadfast, focused on figuring life out and doing what makes sense. You value being trusted because you know you're taking the time to figure things out and everyone should just follow you.

    Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

    Your outlook on life is slightly darker than most people's. You try to see things for what they are and face situations honestly. You'd rather get to the point than look for what's good.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    What color are you? 2w13
    C. Addicts for the win.
    Μia Melanie Hawkins
    Μia Melanie Hawkins
    Μαγικός Προσωπογράφος
    Μαγικός Προσωπογράφος

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 7030
    Ηλικία : 121
    Location : your nightmares
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 09/04/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Όλοι εσεις που προσπαθείτε καθημερινά να με βυθίστηκε,συνεχίστε,απλά να θυμ'αστε πως στην ιστορία έμεινε ο Τιτανικός και όχι το παγώβουνο.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Μia Melanie Hawkins Τετ Απρ 18, 2012 10:35 pm

    you are pink

    Your dominant hue is red... you are passionate, energetic, and unafraid of life's changes. You're all about getting out and trying something new, even if it means taking risks that other people would be afraid of. Hey, if they're afraid and you're not, more power to you, right?

    Your saturation level is low - You stay out of stressful situations and advise others to do the same. You may not be the go-to person when something really needs done, but you know never to blow things out of proportion.

    Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    Έλεος!Μόνο αυτό το χρώμα συχένομαι

    What color are you? Tumblr_mg0k3wjWFM1r3o83uo1_500What color are you? Tumblr_ml74h1hcQT1rljoyfo1_500
    Τaste me,drink my soul,show me things that I shouldn't know..

    Everything looks better when the sun goes down.:
    Aurora Sinistra
    Aurora Sinistra
    Μαγικός Ζωολόγος
    Μαγικός Ζωολόγος

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 8719
    Ηλικία : 224
    Location : neverland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/02/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Aurora Sinistra Παρ Σεπ 21, 2012 2:01 pm

    you are olivedrab

    Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again.

    Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively

    What color are you? Untitl10
    Laura Mandley
    Laura Mandley

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4034
    Ηλικία : 32
    Location : Nargothrond
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 16/08/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Misunderstanding is geniuses curse, they call us evil but nothing is worse than passive submission to meaningless rules these are oppression and misery's tools.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Laura Mandley Σαβ Σεπ 22, 2012 2:51 pm

    you are violet

    Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

    Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

    Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    Όταν μιλάτε ακούω να λέτε "Γιατί;"
    Όλο "Γιατί;"
    Βλέπετε πράγματα και λέτε "Γιατί;"
    Μα εγώ ονειρεύομαι πράγματα που ποτέ δεν υπήρξαν και λέω:
    "Γιατί όχι;"
    Morgan le Fay
    Morgan le Fay

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33267
    Ηλικία : 31
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/06/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Many times since, I have called to Marius. But there was no answer. Just the endless procession of days, months...years. My teacher left me to my darkest lesson. That in the end, we are alone. And there is nothing but the cold, dark wasteland of eternity.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Morgan le Fay Σαβ Σεπ 22, 2012 9:31 pm

    you are olive

    Your dominant hues are red and green, so you're definately not afraid to get in and stir things up. You have no time for most people's concerns, you'd rather analyze with your head than be held back by some random "gut feeling".

    Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz


    Oh, the skies, tumbling from your eyes
    So sublime, a chase to end all time
    Seasons call and fall, from grace and uniform
    Anatomical, metaphysical

    Oh, the dye, a blood red setting sun
    Rushing through my veins, burning up my skin
    I will survive, live and thrive
    Win this deadly game

    Love crime
    I will survive, live and thrive
    I will survive
    I will...

    Romilda Vane
    Romilda Vane

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 12879
    Ηλικία : 29
    Location : Neverland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 17/08/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Μάγεψαν και σένανε τα ξωτικά;

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Romilda Vane Κυρ Σεπ 23, 2012 4:31 pm

    you are mediumorchid

    Your dominant hues are red and blue. You're confident and like showing people new ideas. You play well with others and can be very influential if you want to be.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    Σωστα τα λεει, αλλα δε μ'αρεσω σα χρωμα Razz
    Δε θα με φορουσα snob

    What color are you? 2yv6ngk
    Reveal your secrets:
    Beatrice Baudelaire
    Beatrice Baudelaire
    Λύτης Κατάρων
    Λύτης Κατάρων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 9237
    Ηλικία : 28
    Location : Manderley
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 05/08/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: There are essential and inessential insanities. The later are solar in character, the former are linked to the moon.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Beatrice Baudelaire Κυρ Σεπ 30, 2012 12:54 am

    you are teal

    Your dominant hues are green and blue. You're smart and you know it, and want to use your power to help people and relate to others. Even though you tend to battle with yourself, you solve other people's conflicts well.

    Your saturation level is very high - you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn't be afraid to lead people, because if you're doing it, it'll be done right.

    Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    I'm a wanderess
    I'm a one-night stand
    Don't belong to no city
    Don't belong to no man

    Yes, I'm a Shadowhunter.
    Demons beware.      
    Parabatai ♥

    Don't you know better?:

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 929
    Ηλικία : 27
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 26/11/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought:

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από mjhp4ever Τετ Οκτ 03, 2012 10:49 pm

    you are darkolivegreen

    Your dominant hues are green and yellow. There's no doubt about the fact that you think with your head, but you don't want to be seen as boring and want people to know about your adventurous streak now and again.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life is slightly darker than most people's. You try to see things for what they are and face situations honestly. You'd rather get to the point than look for what's good.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    What color are you? 8z0QNaV

    My eyes can see the death of everything. I can cut the lines as long as I understand the death behind it. This means I can kill anything, even if that thing is God.
     - Shiki Ryougi

    Severous Albous
    Severous Albous

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 658
    Ηλικία : 24
    Location : Σχολή Χόγκουαρτς
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 10/03/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Severous Albous Παρ Μάης 16, 2014 1:27 pm

    you are khaki

    Your dominant hues are red and green, so you're definately not afraid to get in and stir things up. You have no time for most people's concerns, you'd rather analyze with your head than be held back by some random "gut feeling".

    Your saturation level is lower than average - You don't stress out over things and don't understand people who do. Finishing projects may sometimes be a challenge, but you schedule time as you see fit and the important things all happen in the end, even if not everyone sees your grand master plan.

    Your outlook on life is bright. You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.

    slythn2  slytherin  slytherin  slytherin  slytherin slythn2

    .     .    What color are you? Giphy
    Emily Lupin
    Emily Lupin
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 14334
    Ηλικία : 23
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 19/01/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: how much better is your love than wine

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Emily Lupin Παρ Αυγ 22, 2014 11:36 pm

    you are hotpink

    Your dominant hues are red and magenta.  You love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can't leave behind.  You can influence others on days when you're patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you.  You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life is very bright.  You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    "I am haunted by humans."
    What color are you? Bee10
    Sauron the Great
    Sauron the Great
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4137
    Ηλικία : 926
    Location : Είμαι παντού και πουθενά! Ναι, είμαι το Μαύρο Φάντασμα!
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 11/08/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: never try to teach a pig to sing it wastes your time and it annoys the pig...

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Sauron the Great Σαβ Αυγ 23, 2014 12:03 am

    you are slateblue

    Your dominant hue is blue, making you a good friend who people love and trust. You're good in social situations and want to fit in. Just be careful not to compromise who you are to make them happy.

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you. You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life is brighter than most people's. You like the idea of influencing things for the better and find hope in situations where others might give up. You're not exactly a bouncy sunshine but things in your world generally look up.

    What color are you? 90096-jugra
    Roland Weasley
    Roland Weasley

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4343
    Ηλικία : 22
    Location : Τρίκαλα,Ελλάδα
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 07/08/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Fuck it all.

    What color are you? Empty Απ: What color are you?

    Δημοσίευση από Roland Weasley Σαβ Αυγ 23, 2014 10:56 am

    you are salmon

    Your dominant hue is red... you are passionate, energetic, and unafraid of life's changes.  You're all about getting out and trying something new, even if it means taking risks that other people would be afraid of.  Hey, if they're afraid and you're not, more power to you, right?

    Your saturation level is medium - You're not the most decisive go-getter, but you can get a job done when it's required of you.  You probably don't think the world can change for you and don't want to spend too much effort trying to force it.

    Your outlook on life is bright.  You see good things in situations where others may not be able to, and it frustrates you to see them get down on everything.
    the spacefem.com html color quiz

    Just because everybody hates it doesn't mean it's no good.
    -Despicable Me 2

    What color are you? 2eehhdzWhat color are you? Ok7edxWhat color are you? Zjjlte
    What color are you? 2ir17rkWhat color are you? N6cbqgWhat color are you? 2e3wcuo

    Yes, you are cute
    but a minion will always be cuter

    What color are you? 2q99kli

      Η τρέχουσα ημερομηνία/ώρα είναι Κυρ Σεπ 29, 2024 12:38 am