
Εδώ ο Ήλιος της Φαντασίας δεν δύει ποτέ...

Μην το μετακινείτε γιατί δεν φαίνεται η πρώτη είδηση!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Αν υπάρχουν θέματα και απουσιάζουμε, στείλτε μήνυμα στο Φατσοβιβλίο

Helena Malfoy
Evie Frye
Noelia di Firenze
Emily Lupin
Morgan le Fay
Maria Granger
Magic Is Might
Μia Melanie Hawkins
Romilda Vane
!Κelly Weasley!
Aurora Sinistra
Immortality Dumbledore
Laura Mandley
Alviva Black
Amelia Blackfoot
Minerva McGonagall
Arcturus Regulus Black
Cassandra Black
Eleanna Lovegood
Elohim Meth
Helena Ravenclaw
Phineas Nigellus Black
Leanan Sidhe
Roxanne Derwent
31 απαντήσεις

    The Three Question Personality Test!

    Roxanne Derwent
    Roxanne Derwent
    Παρασκευαστής/-στρια φίλτρων
    Παρασκευαστής/-στρια φίλτρων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 15667
    Ηλικία : 26
    Location : Shell Cottage
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 07/12/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Roxanne Derwent Σαβ Οκτ 08, 2011 7:33 pm

    Από 'δώ παρακαλώ Razz

    Το τεστ πρωσοπικότητας των τριών ερωτήσεων, το οποίο εμένα μου ΄'εβγαλε σωστά αποτελέσματα, οπότε είπα να το μοιραστώ :P

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.



    The Three Question Personality Test! 847683c79afbfbb99f62ba329a3c8da5a9b9180f
    Leanan Sidhe
    Leanan Sidhe
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 5892
    Ηλικία : 28
    Location : Manderley
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 03/04/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Bite the bullet.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Leanan Sidhe Σαβ Οκτ 08, 2011 9:02 pm

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    you love me:

    Personas que rompen promesas,
    rompen personas.

    Phineas Nigellus Black
    Phineas Nigellus Black
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 63952
    Ηλικία : 28
    Location : Looking-Glass Land
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 14/07/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: I am not good, I am not nice, I am just right.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Phineas Nigellus Black Σαβ Οκτ 08, 2011 10:37 pm

    Your Personality Is Rational

    The Three Question Personality Test! Nt

    You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
    You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!

    Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
    In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.

    You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
    Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.

    In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.

    At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.

    With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.

    As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.

    On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

    meet me in montauk

    Helena Ravenclaw
    Helena Ravenclaw
    Μαγικός Προσωπογράφος
    Μαγικός Προσωπογράφος

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 10829
    Ηλικία : 678
    Location : Mystic Falls
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/07/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Itʼs not just that she makes him a better person. Damon challenges her, surprises her. He makes her question her life, her beliefs. Damon is either the best thing for her or the worst.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Helena Ravenclaw Σαβ Οκτ 08, 2011 10:38 pm

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.
    Elohim Meth
    Elohim Meth

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 15264
    Ηλικία : 300
    Location : Over the Hills and Far Away
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/10/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: I won't ever be the best at anything. Or rather, you might say that I've stop trying to be.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Elohim Meth Κυρ Οκτ 16, 2011 10:35 am

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

    Οχό, τι να σε πω. Laughing

    The Three Question Personality Test! H7MD6Zl

    Eleanna Lovegood
    Eleanna Lovegood
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων
    Εκπαιδευτής Δράκων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 25823
    Ηλικία : 25
    Location : London's Shadowhunter Institute
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 15/06/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Eleanna Lovegood Κυρ Οκτ 16, 2011 6:37 pm

    Your Personality Is Guardian

    You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.
    Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.

    You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.
    You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.

    A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.
    You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.

    In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.

    At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.

    With others, you tend to be polite and formal.

    As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.

    On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them!

    The Three Question Personality Test! 10dwccy
    The Three Question Personality Test! Wguogg
    Cassandra Black
    Cassandra Black
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33695
    Ηλικία : 36
    Location : Cairhien
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 08/04/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: I'd name you Darkfriend as well, but I suspect that the Dark One would perhaps be embarrassed to associate with you.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Cassandra Black Κυρ Οκτ 16, 2011 8:01 pm

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Y2uq2a4e

    We seed the stars:
    Member of Order of Merlin 3rd
    Member of Order of Merlin 3rd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 11334
    Ηλικία : 32
    Location : Outer Space
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 01/09/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought:

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Hecate Κυρ Οκτ 16, 2011 8:07 pm

    Your Personality Is Rational

    You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
    You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!

    Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
    In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.

    You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
    Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.

    In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.

    At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.

    With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.

    As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.

    On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

    Tell me something I don't know :Ρ

    Θέλεις μπουντρούμια; Πάμε.
    The Three Question Personality Test! Ws1999D
    Arcturus Regulus Black
    Arcturus Regulus Black
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 24400
    Ηλικία : 31
    Location : Somewhere between dreams and reality
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/11/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Χρώμα δεν αλλάζουνε τα μάτια μόνο τρόπο να κοιτάνε...

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Arcturus Regulus Black Τετ Νοε 02, 2011 4:52 pm

    Your Personality Is Guardian

    You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.
    Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.

    You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.
    You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.

    A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.
    You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.

    In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.

    At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.

    With others, you tend to be polite and formal.

    As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.

    On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them!

    Παίζει να ισχύουν σχεδόν όλα Shocked Razz


    The Three Question Personality Test! Image
    Minerva McGonagall
    Minerva McGonagall
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 22848
    Ηλικία : 29
    Location : Winterfell
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 03/09/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Και πες στο Χάρο, θα πάω εγώ όταν γουστάρω.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Minerva McGonagall Τετ Νοε 02, 2011 9:17 pm

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

    Δεν υπογραμμίζω τίποτα τλκ. Όλα είναι απόλυτα Μάρσυ giveup

    Mischief managed.
    Amelia Blackfoot
    Amelia Blackfoot
    Λύτης Κατάρων
    Λύτης Κατάρων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 20437
    Ηλικία : 571
    Location : 12, Grimmauld Place, 4th floor
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/07/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: And Iʼve been looking at the stars for a long, long time, Iʼve been putting out fires all my life. Everybody wants a flame, they donʼt want to get burnt and today is our turn.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Amelia Blackfoot Τετ Νοε 02, 2011 9:21 pm

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.
    Alviva Black
    Alviva Black

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 20832
    Ηλικία : 23
    Location : Derry,Northern Ireland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 30/10/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Credo in un Dio crudel.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Alviva Black Κυρ Νοε 06, 2011 12:53 pm

    Your Personality Is Rational

    You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
    You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!

    Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
    In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.

    You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
    Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.

    In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.

    At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.

    With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.

    As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.

    On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Tumblr_nhcydymyca1rhrm95o1_500

    The Three Question Personality Test! 1290vg5h

    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 2704
    Ηλικία : 27
    Location : Time and Space
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 06/09/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Το μεγαλύτερο όπλο είναι η γνώση.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από -Moony Κυρ Νοε 06, 2011 5:58 pm

    Your Personality Is Rational

    You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
    You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!
    Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
    In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.
    You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
    Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.
    In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate who is also very intelligent.
    At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.
    With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.
    As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.
    On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

    Deep in the ocean, dead and cast away,
    where innocence is burned... in flames.
    A million mile from home, I'm walking ahead.
    I'm frozen to the bones, I am.

    A soldier on my own, I don't know the way.
    I'm riding up the heights... of shame.
    I'm waiting for the call, the hand on the chest.
    I'm ready for the fight... and fate.

    Laura Mandley
    Laura Mandley

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4034
    Ηλικία : 32
    Location : Nargothrond
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 16/08/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Misunderstanding is geniuses curse, they call us evil but nothing is worse than passive submission to meaningless rules these are oppression and misery's tools.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Laura Mandley Κυρ Νοε 06, 2011 6:05 pm

    Your Personality Is Artisan

    You are both grounded and flexible. You adapt well to new situations.
    You are playful and free spirited - but you are also dependable and never flaky.

    You don't do well in conservative, stuffy situations.
    It's probably very hard for you to keep a normal job or stay in school.

    You are always up for fun and adventure. Most people are too boring for you.
    You take risks and bend the rules. And if things don't work out, you chock it up to life experience.

    In love, you tend to take things quickly - but you have a huge problem with commitment.

    At work, you need to make your own rules. You're best suited to be an entrepreneur.

    With others, you are animated and physical. You prefer doing something with friends to just hanging out.

    As far as your looks go, you tend to be buff and in good shape. Your spend more time on your body than your clothes.

    On weekends, you need to keep active. From cooking up a storm to running a 5K, you wear yourself out. hehe

    Όταν μιλάτε ακούω να λέτε "Γιατί;"
    Όλο "Γιατί;"
    Βλέπετε πράγματα και λέτε "Γιατί;"
    Μα εγώ ονειρεύομαι πράγματα που ποτέ δεν υπήρξαν και λέω:
    "Γιατί όχι;"
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 920
    Ηλικία : 99
    Location : Malfoy Manor
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 10/12/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: I love magic!

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Scabior Δευ Δεκ 12, 2011 6:13 pm

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Tumblr_lp8cdbon8s1qk6k8zo1_500
    Immortality Dumbledore
    Immortality Dumbledore
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 22636
    Ηλικία : 30
    Location : Hogwarts (Dumbledore's office)
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 09/01/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Oh, I'm very good. But sometimes I'm bad. But only as bad as I wanna be. Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is a gift.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Immortality Dumbledore Κυρ Ιαν 15, 2012 11:49 am

    Your Personality Is Rational

    You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
    You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!

    Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
    In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.

    You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
    Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.

    In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.

    At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.

    With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.

    As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.

    On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

    σωστος! Wink


    The Three Question Personality Test! Zvbsm1


    The Three Question Personality Test! 9bitj5
    Aurora Sinistra
    Aurora Sinistra
    Μαγικός Ζωολόγος
    Μαγικός Ζωολόγος

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 8719
    Ηλικία : 224
    Location : neverland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/02/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Aurora Sinistra Σαβ Απρ 07, 2012 3:59 pm

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Untitl10
    !Κelly Weasley!
    !Κelly Weasley!
    Τριτοετής στην Σχολή
    Τριτοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 93
    Ηλικία : 124
    Location : Stuck in the moment
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 21/03/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: I live for the moment coz every moment is magic...

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από !Κelly Weasley! Σαβ Απρ 07, 2012 10:52 pm

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

    You might belong in HUFFLEPUFF,

    where they are JUST and LOYAL,

    those patient...


    and UNAFRAID of toil...
    Romilda Vane
    Romilda Vane

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 12879
    Ηλικία : 29
    Location : Neverland
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 17/08/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Μάγεψαν και σένανε τα ξωτικά;

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Romilda Vane Σαβ Απρ 07, 2012 11:00 pm


    The Three Question Personality Test! 2yv6ngk
    Reveal your secrets:
    Μia Melanie Hawkins
    Μia Melanie Hawkins
    Μαγικός Προσωπογράφος
    Μαγικός Προσωπογράφος

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 7030
    Ηλικία : 121
    Location : your nightmares
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 09/04/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Όλοι εσεις που προσπαθείτε καθημερινά να με βυθίστηκε,συνεχίστε,απλά να θυμ'αστε πως στην ιστορία έμεινε ο Τιτανικός και όχι το παγώβουνο.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Μia Melanie Hawkins Τετ Απρ 18, 2012 9:56 pm

    Your Personality Is Guardian

    You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.
    Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.

    You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.
    You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.

    A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.
    You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.

    In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.

    At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.

    With others, you tend to be polite and formal.

    As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.

    On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them!

    The Three Question Personality Test! Tumblr_mg0k3wjWFM1r3o83uo1_500The Three Question Personality Test! Tumblr_ml74h1hcQT1rljoyfo1_500
    Τaste me,drink my soul,show me things that I shouldn't know..

    Everything looks better when the sun goes down.:
    Magic Is Might
    Magic Is Might
    Οδηγός στο Λεωφορείο των Ιπποτών
    Οδηγός στο Λεωφορείο των Ιπποτών

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 10420
    Ηλικία : 25
    Location : 12 Grimmauld Place
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 04/10/2013

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought:

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Magic Is Might Σαβ Απρ 19, 2014 11:19 am

    Your Personality Is Guardian

    You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.
    Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.

    You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.
    You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.

    A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.
    You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.

    In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.

    At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.

    With others, you tend to be polite and formal.

    As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.

    On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them!

    The Three Question Personality Test! Oaca_a11

    feeling nosy?:

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Επισκέπτης Σαβ Απρ 19, 2014 11:31 am

    Your Personality Is Guardian

    You are sensible, down to earth, and goal oriented.
    Bottom line, you are good at playing by the rules.

    You tend to be dominant - and you are a natural leader.
    You are interested in rules and order. Morals are important to you.

    A hard worker, you give your all at whatever you do.
    You're very serious, and people often tell you to lighten up.

    In love, you tend to take things carefully and slowly.

    At work, you are suited to almost any career - but you excel in leadership positions.

    With others, you tend to be polite and formal.

    As far as looks go, you are traditionally attractive. You take good care of yourself.

    On weekends, you tend to like to do organized activities. In fact, you often organize them!
    Maria Granger
    Maria Granger
    Υπάλληλος Μαγικών Τρικ Ουέσλι
    Υπάλληλος Μαγικών Τρικ Ουέσλι

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 6382
    Ηλικία : 26
    Location : Now I'm here...Now I'm there...
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 02/07/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Maria Granger Σαβ Απρ 19, 2014 12:34 pm

    Your Personality Is Rational

    You are both logical and creative. You are full of ideas.
    You are so rational that you analyze everything. This drives people a little crazy!

    Intelligence is important to you. You always like to be around smart people.
    In fact, you're often a little short with people who don't impress you mentally.

    You seem distant to some - but it's usually because you're deep in thought.
    Those who understand you best are fellow Rationals.

    In love, you tend to approach things with logic. You seek a compatible mate - who is also very intelligent.

    At work, you tend to gravitate toward idea building careers - like programming, medicine, or academia.

    With others, you are very honest and direct. People often can't take your criticism well.

    As far as your looks go, you're coasting on what you were born with. You think fashion is silly.

    On weekends, you spend most of your time thinking, experimenting with new ideas, or learning new things.

    The Three Question Personality Test! 6yearsHW3

    The Three Question Personality Test! Banner-huff
    Morgan le Fay
    Morgan le Fay

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33267
    Ηλικία : 31
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 29/06/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: Many times since, I have called to Marius. But there was no answer. Just the endless procession of days, months...years. My teacher left me to my darkest lesson. That in the end, we are alone. And there is nothing but the cold, dark wasteland of eternity.

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Morgan le Fay Σαβ Απρ 19, 2014 9:30 pm

    Artisan, there you go :P
    You are both grounded and flexible. You adapt well to new situations.
    You are playful and free spirited - but you are also dependable and never flaky.

    You don't do well in conservative, stuffy situations.
    It's probably very hard for you to keep a normal job or stay in school.

    You are always up for fun and adventure. Most people are too boring for you.
    You take risks and bend the rules. And if things don't work out, you chock it up to life experience.

    In love, you tend to take things quickly - but you have a huge problem with commitment.

    At work, you need to make your own rules. You're best suited to be an entrepreneur.

    With others, you are animated and physical. You prefer doing something with friends to just hanging out.

    As far as your looks go, you tend to be buff and in good shape. Your spend more time on your body than your clothes.

    On weekends, you need to keep active. From cooking up a storm to running a 5K, you wear yourself out.

    Oh, the skies, tumbling from your eyes
    So sublime, a chase to end all time
    Seasons call and fall, from grace and uniform
    Anatomical, metaphysical

    Oh, the dye, a blood red setting sun
    Rushing through my veins, burning up my skin
    I will survive, live and thrive
    Win this deadly game

    Love crime
    I will survive, live and thrive
    I will survive
    I will...

    Emily Lupin
    Emily Lupin
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 14334
    Ηλικία : 23
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 19/01/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: how much better is your love than wine

    The Three Question Personality Test! Empty Απ: The Three Question Personality Test!

    Δημοσίευση από Emily Lupin Κυρ Απρ 27, 2014 1:19 pm

    Your Personality Is Idealist

    You are a passionate, caring, and unique person.
    You are good at expressing yourself and sharing your ideals.

    You are the most compassionate of all types and connect with others easily.
    Your heart tends to rule you. You can't make decisions without considering feelings.

    You seek out other empathetic people to befriend.
    Truth and authenticity matters in your friendships.

    In love, you give everything you have to relationships. You fall in love easily.

    At work, you crave personal expression and meaning in your career.

    With others, you communicate well. You can spend all night talking with someone.

    As far as your looks go, you've likely taken the time to develop your own personal style.

    On weekends, you like to be with others. Charity work is also a favorite pastime of yours.

    "I am haunted by humans."
    The Three Question Personality Test! Bee10

      Η τρέχουσα ημερομηνία/ώρα είναι Παρ Σεπ 20, 2024 6:33 am