
Εδώ ο Ήλιος της Φαντασίας δεν δύει ποτέ...

Μην το μετακινείτε γιατί δεν φαίνεται η πρώτη είδηση!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ενδιαφέρεστε να γίνετε δημοσιογράφοι?
Αν υπάρχουν θέματα και απουσιάζουμε, στείλτε μήνυμα στο Φατσοβιβλίο

Immortality Dumbledore
Arcturus Regulus Black
Laura Mandley
Lysandra Black
Ηarry Potter
Cassandra Black
Merlin Longstaff
Tom Marvolo Riddle
Isabella Ermioni Cullen
Fleur Delacour
21 απαντήσεις

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Fleur Delacour
    Fleur Delacour
    Member of Order Of Merlin 1st
    Member of Order Of Merlin 1st

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 21971
    Ηλικία : 231
    Location : Όπου νά'ναι, αρκεί να είναι στην Αθήνα
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 12/01/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Go sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Fleur Delacour Πεμ Σεπ 24, 2009 5:07 pm

    Το τεστ


    For 40 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? 1p55
    Isabella Ermioni Cullen
    Isabella Ermioni Cullen
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 1697
    Ηλικία : 28
    Location : Μονη μου στην παραλια να ακουω τα κυματα και να ονειρευομαι
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/07/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status:
    Today's thought: Χαλια καιρος. Μου τη σπαει μονο να κοιμαμαι θελω

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Isabella Ermioni Cullen Σαβ Σεπ 26, 2009 8:07 pm

    For 40 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.
    31.2704 % of 614 Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Or even this one:
    For 0 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    [b][u][justify]Το γεγονος οτι ειμαι νεος

    δεν σημαινει πως αποτελω απειλη.
    Το οτι σου ειμαι αγνωστος
    δεν πρεπει παντα να σε τρομαζει.
    Ανοιξε λοιπον τα χερια σου για να με δεχτεις
    και δεν θα χασεις τιποτα πια στη ζωη....
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 18387
    Ηλικία : 29
    Location : Αsteroid B612
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 21/11/2007

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: well behaved women rarely make history

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Berenice Κυρ Σεπ 27, 2009 10:44 am

    For 50 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.
    25.6911 % of 615 Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 30 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 0 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Tumblr_mffsii6lvX1qcpsedo8_r3_250    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Tumblr_mffsii6lvX1qcpsedo7_r3_250 

    “You know, Evans, sooner or later youʼre going to have to make up your mind, whether you like me or hate me.”
    “Believe me, Iʼve made up my mind.”
    Tom Marvolo Riddle
    Tom Marvolo Riddle
    Member of Order Of Merlin 1st
    Member of Order Of Merlin 1st

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 30733
    Ηλικία : 31
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 11/09/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Και τότε κατάλαβες γιατί οι απελπισμένοι γίνονται οι πιο καλοί επαναστάτες.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Tom Marvolo Riddle Κυρ Σεπ 27, 2009 10:47 am

    For 50 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.
    25.8117 % of 616 Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Or even this one:
    For 0 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!


    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 11028
    Ηλικία : 29
    Location : Always somewhere.
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 11/12/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status:
    Today's thought: Να 'ταν η απόσταση γυαλί και ο χρόνος ψεύτης.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Poisonous_touch Κυρ Σεπ 27, 2009 10:58 am

    For 30 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.
    31.2804 % of 617 Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Scaredandcoldbysiphior
    Ποιές λέξεις μέσα σου σαπίζουν και δεν θέλουν να βγούν;
    Ποια ελπίδα σε οδηγεί στην πιό γλυκιά αυταπάτη;
    Ποια θλίψη σε κλωτσάει πιο μακριά από παντού;
    Πες μου ποιο φόβο αγάπησες πάλι.

    Everyone has a story behind.
    Merlin Longstaff
    Merlin Longstaff

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 1091
    Ηλικία : 37
    Location : Camelot College for Young Wizards
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/06/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status:
    Today's thought:

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Merlin Longstaff Δευ Οκτ 26, 2009 11:56 pm

    For 30 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.
    25.6822 % of 623 Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 30 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties

    Look, don't I manage to look completely innocent and meek? Just U wait and see...
    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? 1119w
    Cassandra Black
    Cassandra Black
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd
    Member of Order Of Merlin 2nd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 33695
    Ηλικία : 36
    Location : Cairhien
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 08/04/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: I'd name you Darkfriend as well, but I suspect that the Dark One would perhaps be embarrassed to associate with you.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Cassandra Black Σαβ Νοε 07, 2009 9:30 pm

    For 30 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.
    18.4295 % of 624 Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Y2uq2a4e

    We seed the stars:

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 39937
    Ηλικία : 33
    Location : In the land of the morning star. Please, send me an angel...
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 06/02/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought: If you like me, raise your hands. If you don't, raise your standards! B)

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από FoNikos21 Κυρ Νοε 08, 2009 1:28 pm

    Fleur Delacour έγραψε:

    For 40 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    The same :P

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? 29l0fma
    Ηarry Potter
    Ηarry Potter
    Οδηγός στο Λεωφορείο των Ιπποτών
    Οδηγός στο Λεωφορείο των Ιπποτών

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 585
    Ηλικία : 27
    Location : Πατρα
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 23/08/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought:

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Ηarry Potter Σαβ Αυγ 27, 2011 10:38 am

    For 30 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.
    31.2804 % of 617 Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Tumblr_lkq6h6LDRj1qa70c7o1_500
    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? GryffindorChampion
    Lysandra Black
    Lysandra Black

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 928
    Ηλικία : 202
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 14/05/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought:

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Lysandra Black Τετ Αυγ 31, 2011 5:37 pm

    For 30 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.
    % of Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.

    Fairies, come take me out of this dull world,
    For I would ride with you upon the wind,
    Run on the top of the dishevelled tide,
    And dance upon the mountains like a flame.
    Laura Mandley
    Laura Mandley

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 4034
    Ηλικία : 32
    Location : Nargothrond
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 16/08/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Misunderstanding is geniuses curse, they call us evil but nothing is worse than passive submission to meaningless rules these are oppression and misery's tools.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Laura Mandley Δευ Νοε 14, 2011 11:04 pm

    For 40 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    Όταν μιλάτε ακούω να λέτε "Γιατί;"
    Όλο "Γιατί;"
    Βλέπετε πράγματα και λέτε "Γιατί;"
    Μα εγώ ονειρεύομαι πράγματα που ποτέ δεν υπήρξαν και λέω:
    "Γιατί όχι;"
    Member of Order of Merlin 3rd
    Member of Order of Merlin 3rd

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 11334
    Ηλικία : 32
    Location : Outer Space
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 01/09/2008

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought:

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Hecate Δευ Νοε 14, 2011 11:37 pm

    For 40 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.
    % of Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    Θέλεις μπουντρούμια; Πάμε.
    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Ws1999D
    Arcturus Regulus Black
    Arcturus Regulus Black
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς
    Απόφοιτος Χόγκουαρτς

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 24400
    Ηλικία : 31
    Location : Somewhere between dreams and reality
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 24/11/2010

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Χρώμα δεν αλλάζουνε τα μάτια μόνο τρόπο να κοιτάνε...

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Arcturus Regulus Black Τρι Νοε 15, 2011 1:39 am

    For 40 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.
    % of Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.


    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Image
    Λύτης Κατάρων
    Λύτης Κατάρων

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 13381
    Ηλικία : 31
    Location : Αυλή των θαυμάτων
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 23/11/2009

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Ραβενκλόου Ραβενκλόου
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: Α beautiful, healthy baby!

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από elliza Τρι Νοε 15, 2011 12:42 pm

    For 30 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.
    % of Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 30 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    Or even this one:
    For 0 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    head of derp:
    Εκτοετής στην Σχολή
    Εκτοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 311
    Ηλικία : 34
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 12/11/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Χάφλπαφ Χάφλπαφ
    Blood Status:
    Today's thought:

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από lefter4 Τετ Νοε 16, 2011 7:41 pm

    For 40 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.
    % of Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 30 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Or even this one:
    For 0 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Tumblr_lvqlukmyC81qdqlhzo1_500Expecto __________________ Patronum
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή
    Εβδομοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 920
    Ηλικία : 99
    Location : Malfoy Manor
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 10/12/2011

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: I love magic!

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Scabior Κυρ Δεκ 11, 2011 12:11 pm

    For 40 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.
    31.2704 % of 614 Quiz participants had this profile!

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best!

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics.

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.

    Or even this one:
    For 0 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Tumblr_lp8cdbon8s1qk6k8zo1_500
    Immortality Dumbledore
    Immortality Dumbledore
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 22636
    Ηλικία : 30
    Location : Hogwarts (Dumbledore's office)
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 09/01/2012

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Muggle born
    Today's thought: Oh, I'm very good. But sometimes I'm bad. But only as bad as I wanna be. Freedom is power. To live a life untamed and unafraid is a gift.

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Immortality Dumbledore Τρι Ιαν 17, 2012 11:17 pm

    For 30 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.


    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Zvbsm1


    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? 9bitj5
    Magic Is Might
    Magic Is Might
    Οδηγός στο Λεωφορείο των Ιπποτών
    Οδηγός στο Λεωφορείο των Ιπποτών

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 10420
    Ηλικία : 25
    Location : 12 Grimmauld Place
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 04/10/2013

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Half-Blood
    Today's thought:

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Magic Is Might Σαβ Απρ 19, 2014 11:11 am

    For 40 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret.
    11.0994 % of 946 Quiz participants had this profile! Profile A

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics. Profile B

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best! Profile C

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting. Profile D

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties. Profile E

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Oaca_a11

    feeling nosy?:
    Emily Lupin
    Emily Lupin
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα
    Τάγμα του Φοίνικα

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 14334
    Ηλικία : 23
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 19/01/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Γκρίφιντορ Γκρίφιντορ
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought: how much better is your love than wine

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Emily Lupin Παρ Μάης 09, 2014 7:12 pm

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    For 50 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties.
    30.3313 % of 966 Quiz participants had this profile! Profile A

    You could also get this result:
    For 20 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics. Profile B

    Or even this one:
    For 20 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret. Profile C

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best! Profile D

    Or even this one:
    For 0 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting. Profile E

    "I am haunted by humans."
    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Bee10
    Severous Albous
    Severous Albous

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 658
    Ηλικία : 24
    Location : Σχολή Χόγκουαρτς
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 10/03/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts: Σλίθεριν Σλίθεριν
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Severous Albous Κυρ Οκτ 05, 2014 4:12 pm

    For 40 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting.
    25.2101 % of 1071 Quiz participants had this profile! Profile A

    You could also get this result:
    For 30 % you are: You are Satterthwaite! You are almost scarily able to see what is on people's minds. You like to go to plays and parties. Profile B

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Miss Marple! Inside the meek exterior is the heart of a detective! You find precedents and equivalents for everything. You don't look like a detective, but you're on of the best! Profile C

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Tuppence and Tommy Beresford. You are young, adventurous, and daring. Sometimes you act rashly, but you natural caution kicks in to stop you from doing anything you regret. Profile D

    Or even this one:
    For 10 % you are: You are Parker Pyne! You have a knack for soothing people. You like to make people happy, and rule your life by statistics. Profile E - See more at: http://www.allthetests.com/quiz11/quiz/1102727600/Which-Agatha-Christie-Detective-Are-You#sthash.WlqKz5Kj.dpuf

    slythn2  slytherin  slytherin  slytherin  slytherin slythn2

    .     .    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Giphy
    Amy Somers
    Amy Somers
    Τεταρτοετής στην Σχολή
    Τεταρτοετής στην Σχολή

    Αριθμός μηνυμάτων : 192
    Ηλικία : 24
    Location : Χόγκσμιντ
    Ημερομηνία εγγραφής : 04/05/2014

    Magical Identity
    Κοιτώνας Hogwarts:
    Blood Status: Pureblood
    Today's thought:

    Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You? Empty Απ: Which Agatha Christie Detective Are You?

    Δημοσίευση από Amy Somers Κυρ Νοε 23, 2014 6:28 pm

    For 40 % you are: You are Hercule Poirot! You are kind of conceited, but in an amusing way. You like to be comfortable, and you are really smart, and prefer psychology to regular methods of detecting
    Ναι! Ναι! Ναι! Λατρεύω τον Πουαρό!!

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